elementsdb: An Urban Design Catalogue
elementsdb is a web-based catalogue of urban design examples, images, models and data developed to facilitate and inform urban planning and design teaching, applied research and practice.
Project Profile
Canada Foundation for Innovation
British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund
Landscape Architecture Canada Foundation
The City of Vancouver
Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS)
UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund
Research Team
Duncan Cavens, Alix Krahn, Steve Lamb, Doreen Leo, Jessica MacDaniel, Alexander Man-Bourdon, Courtney Miller, Nicole Miller, Inna Olchovski, Maxim Pravosoudov, Phil Riley, Jon Salter, Warren Scheske, Caroline Schutrumpf, Negin Shakibi, Mesa Sheriff, Nicholas Sinkewicz, Eric Siu, Elsa Snyder, Michael van der Laan, Kevin Zhang
Webs developer
Vibrant Software, Vancouver, BC
Each case is parcel-scaled rigorously measured and illustrated to comparable standards and graphic conventions to capture its significant qualitative attributes and quantitative dimensions. Included are planning data such as density, use, floor areas and coverage, environmental performance, as well as illustrative data such as photos, plans and 3D models. Data and models can be imported into SketchUp, GoogleEarth and Geographic Information Systems.
A web interface facilitates browsing, searching and looking at the cases in map view. Individuals or groups can create their own subset of cases and can store cases in a virtual warehouse.
elementsdb cases have been used as source data for many of the elementslab’s applied and research projects. Unfortunately, elementsdb is no longer been supported as an open-access web-based resource.
Related Projects
Except where otherwise noted, the original work by Cynthia Girling and Ronald Kellett presented on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

elementslab is an applied urban design and environment research group in the School of Architecture + Landscape Architecture and the Centre for Interactive Research in Sustainability at the University of British Columbia.