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Puga, S., Czekajlo, A., Hijra, N., Girling, C., Kellett, R.
Modelling Tree Shading and Outdoor Thermal Comfort in 2050: Vancouver, Canada, A working paper.
Cheng, Z., Nesbitt, L., Girling, C., Sheppard, S., Konijnendijk, C., Nitoslawski, S.
Urban density and the urban forest: How well are cities balancing them in the context of climate change?
Cities, Vol. 149
Czekajlo, A., Cheng, Z., Barron, S., Girling, C., Nesbitt, L.
Modelling four neighbourhood-scale urban forest scenarios for 2050: Vancouver, Canada.
Arboriculture and Urban Forestry, 50(1).
Czekajlo, A., Alva, J., Szeto, J., Girling, C., & Kellett, R.
Impact of 2050 tree shading strategies on building cooling demands.
Buildings and Cities Buildings and Cities , 4 (1) pp. 817-837.
Barron, S., Rugel, E., Cheng, Z., Nesbitt, L., Czekajlo, A., & Girling, C.
Achieving the Urban Tree Trifecta: Scenario modelling for salubrious, resilient, and diverse urban forests in densifying cities.Urban form and livability: socioeconomic and built environment indicators.
Arboriculture and Urban Forestry, 49(6).
Lu, Y., Girling, C., Martino, N., Kim, J., Kellett, R., & Salter, J.
Climate action at the neighbourhood scale: Comparing municipal future scenarios.
Buildings and Cities, 4(1), pp. 83–102.
Lu, Y., McCarty, J., Szeto, J., Cheng, Z., Martino, N., Girling, C., Rysanek, A., Barron, S., Matasci, G.
How ‘shady’ are neighborhood trees: modelling the shading effect of Vancouver’s urban canopy. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 48 (2) p. 95-112.
Cheng, Zhaohua, Konijnendijk van den Bosch, C., Sheppard, S., Nesbitt, L., Girling, C.,
Alignment of municipal climate change and urban forestry policies: A Canadian perspective,
Environmental Science and Policy, Vol. 122, pp 14-24.
Martino, Nicholas, Girling, C., & Lu, Y.
Urban form and livability: socioeconomic and built environment indicators.
Buildings and Cities, 2(1), pp. 220–243.
Lu, Yuhao, Scott, A., Kim, J., Curi, C. B., McCarty, J., Pardy, A., Rysanek, A., Girling, C & Kellett, R.
Integration of an energy–economy model with an urban energy model.
Buildings and Cities, 2(1), pp. 114–133.
Jonathan Salter, Yuhao Lu, Ju Chan Kim, Ronald Kellett, Cynthia Girling, Fausto Inomata and Alix Krahn.
Iterative ‘what-if’ neighborhood simulation: energy and emissions impacts
Buildings and Cities, 1(1), pp. 293–307.
Ronald Kellet, Ju Chan Kim, Yuhao Lu, Justin McCarty and Adam Rysanek
BC Energy Step Code at urban scale: influence of urban scale features on performance based energy code. eSIM 2020 Conference Proceedings. (Status: accepted).
Cynthia Girling, Michael J. Meitner, Lorien Nesbitt and Stephen Sheppard
Urban green equity on the ground: Practice-based models of urban green equity in three multicultural cities.
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Volume 44 ,No. 8, August 2019.
Marjan Ebneshahidi, Cynthia Girling, Alessandra Monti and Kejia Zheng
Walkability vs. walking: Assessing outcomes of walkability at Southeast False Creek, Vancouver, Canada.
Journal of Urbanism, Vol. 12, No. 4, October 2019.
Cynthia Girling, Yuhao Lu, Michael J. Meitner, Lorien Nesbitt and Stephen Sheppard
Who has access to urban vegetation? A spatial analysis of distributional green equity in 10 US cities.
Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 181, pp. 51-79. 2019.
Cynthia Girling, Michael J. Meitner, Lorien Nesbitt and Stephen Sheppard
The dimensions of urban green equity: A framework for analysis.
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Volume 34, pp. 240-248. 2018.
Cynthia Girling, Nicholas Martino and Edja Trigueiro
Exploring Urban Walkability Models and Pedestrian Movement Trends in a Vancouver Neighbourhood.
In SimAUD 2019, Atlanta, Georgia, 129–32
Jon Salter, Ronald Kellett, Cynthia Girling, and Fausto Inomata
Modeling Energy for Urban Form Archetypes
SimAUD 2017, Toronto, Canada, May 22-24, 2017, accepted for publication.
Ju Chan Kim, Jon Salter, Ronald Kellett, and Cynthia Girling
Relationships between variables and energy consumption in different building types
SimAUD 2017, Toronto, Canada, May 22-24, accepted for publication.
Cynthia Girling, Ronald W. Kellett, Kellogg S. Booth, Narges Mahyar, Kelly J. Burke, and Alix Krahn
Fast and Early Feedback: Collaboration tools to support informed public engagement
CELA 2017 Conference BRIDGING, Beijing, China, May 26-29, 2017. Landscape Research Record 06, in press.
Narges Mahyar, Kelly J. Burke, Xiang (Ernest) Jialing, Siyi (Cathy) Ming, Kellogg S. Booth, Cynthia L. Girling, and Ronald W. Kellett
UD Co-Space: A Table-Centred Multi-Display Environment for Public Engagement in Urban Design Charrettes
ISS ’16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages.
Cynthia Girling, Maged Senbel, and Ronald Kellett
Effects of visualizations and information rich public engagement in planning for energy and emissions
Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, Vol. 33 No. 2, pp. 140-158. Summer, 2016.
Cynthia Girling, Anezka Gocova, Vanessa Goldgrub, and Nicole Sylvia
Wesbrook Place: A case study in sustainable neighbourhood design
Michael van der Laan, Ron Kellett, Cynthia Girling, Maged Senbel, Kellogg Booth, and Tao Su
A Collaborative Multi-touch, Multi-Display, Urban Futures Tool
in Proceedings, 2013 Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) Symposium, San Diego, CA. April 7-10, 2013.
Maged Senbel, Cynthia Girling, James T. White, Ronald Kellett, and Patrick F. Chan
Precedents reconceived: Urban design learning catalysed through data-rich 3-D models
in Design Studies 34: 74-92, 2013c.
Ronald Kellett, Andreas Christen, Nicholas C. Coops, Michael van der Laan, Ben Crawford, Thoreau Rory Tooke, and Inna Olchovskia
A systems approach to carbon cycling and emissions at an urban neighbourhood scale
in Landscape and Urban Planning, 110:43-58, 2013.
Maged Senbel, Cynthia Girling, Ronald Kellett, and James T. White
Evaluating a Web Based Urban Design Reference Tool
In Urban Nature, Conference Proceedings of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA), 2011, edited by Rachel Berney, 197-216. Los Angeles: Figueroa Press, 2013b.
Maged Senbel, Michael van der Laan, Ronald Kellett, Cynthia Girling, and Jessica Stuart
Can Form-Based Codes Help Reduce GHG Emissions in Small Towns: The Case of Revelstoke, British Columbia
in Canadian Journal of Urban Research, Volume 22, Issue 1: Supplement pp 72-92, 2013a.
Andreas Christen, Michael van der Laan, Ron Kellett, and Rory Tooke
Context sensitive scaling of energy use simulations from individual buildings to cities
presented at ICUC-8: 8th Annual Conference on Urban Climate. Dublin, Ireland. August 6-10, 2012.
Cynthia Girling
Case Studies in Sustainable Neighbourhood Design, UniverCity, Burnaby, Canada.
Report of findings for SFU Community Trust. 2008.
Cynthia Girling
UniverCity: Building a New Green Neighborhood.
Places Special Issue: Climate Change and Place, Vol 20, No. 2, p. 26-.29. Summer 2008.
Ronald Kellett, Duncan Cavens, Nicole Miller, Elisa Campbell, and Wil Mayhew
Decision Support Tools in a Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood Pilot Project.
Report to Federation of Canadian Municipalities, 2008.
Ronald Kellett, Duncan Cavens, Nicole Miller, and Jon Salter
Integrating energy and urban design at a neighbourhood scale in Emerald Hills Urban Village, a Natural Resources Canada Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood pilot project.
Report to Natural Resources Canada, 2008.
Cynthia Girling, Maria Galdon, Lara Davis, and Ronald Kellett
Green Infrastructure in Calgary’s Mobility Corridors.
Report to City of Calgary, 2008.
Nicole Miller, Duncan Cavens, Patrick Condon Ronald Kellett, and Armando Carbonell
Policy, Urban Form and Tools for Measuring and Managing Green House Gas Emissions: The North American Problem.
Presented at Congress for European Urbanism Conference on Climate Change and Urban Design, Oslo, Norway, September, 2008 and published in Conference Reader: Background Papers and Selected Conference Papers, pp. 15-27, 2008.
Kellett, Ronald, Duncan Cavens, Nicole Miller, and Jon Salter
Energy, Sustainability and Decision Support to Charrette-based Urban Design.
Presented at Congress for European Urbanism Conference on Climate Change and Urban Design, Oslo, Norway, September, 2008.
Cynthia Girling, Ronald Kellett, and Shana Johnstone
Informing Design for Participation in Neighbourhood Scale Planning.
in Integrated Assessment, November 2006.
Cynthia Girling
Evolving Relationship of Green and Gray in the Green Neighborhood.
Presented at Annual Meeting of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, University of Georgia, September, 2005.
Cynthia Girling
The Changing Morphology of the North American Green Neighborhood.
Presented at Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Landscape Architecture, Winnipeg, August, 2005.
Cynthia Girling, and Ronald Kellett
Skinny Streets and Green Neighborhoods: Design for Environment and Community.
Island Press, 2005.
Except where otherwise noted, the original work by Cynthia Girling and Ronald Kellett presented on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

elementslab is an applied urban design and environment research group in the School of Architecture + Landscape Architecture and the Centre for Interactive Research in Sustainability at the University of British Columbia.